3D Printing Knowledge Base

3D nyomtatás - 3D nyomtató - 3D printer - 3D printing
3D printing

3D printer is a rapid prototyping machine that can produce a physical model that is an exact replica of a computer-designed 3D model.
Z Corp's 3D printers are the fastest 3D Printers in the world, requiring hours to build models where some technologies might take days.
Z Corp's ZPrinter 3D Printers use the only technology in the world capable of producing full color models.

3D printing - softwares and ZPrinter

Z, Z 400, Z 406, Z 810 3D Printer, Zprinter 310 / DESIGNmate Mx,  ZPrinter 310 Plus, Zprinter 450, Spectrum Z510 / Designmate Cx, ZPrinter 650, ZPrint, ZEdit, ZEdit Pro, ZBench, ZBuilder Ultra (c)  Z Corporation, USA

térnyomtató, térszkenner kereskedelmi képviselet és szervizDigit Számítástechnika -  Z Corp. authorized reseller and service partner in Hungary.

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