Sword EL electric vertical cutter

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Sword EL electric vertical cutter

Neolt Sword EL vertical cutting machine

Sword EL is an entry level electric vertical cutting system designed on the real needs of small and medium sign makers, fitters and retail, industry and companies with high volumes of cut. 210, 250 and 310 cutting size versions. Ideal for a wide range of standard and customized, graphic and industrial substrates.

Electric motor at high performance and precision. Adjustable cutting speed with potentiometer. The constant strength obtained by the motorized system assures a very high cutting precision. Foot pedal start up.

Cutting speed is: 12 sec for a plate cut of 210cm.

With its robust body, the Sword EL is equipped with a high-performance and high-precision motor, with a potentiometer that allows the operator to easily adjust the speed.

The motorized movement enables a stable pressure on the cutting path, that results in great precision and lower blades consumption.

Thickness from 1 to 30 mm
Materials: cardboard / foam kmount / gato foam / spongy media / expanded polhyurethane / plastic from 0,5 mm / films / plastic alveolar / reboard

Thickness from 1 to 10 mm
Materials: leather / forex / plastic from 0,5 mm cut in two
steps: from down to up and viceversa

3 - BLADE (optional):
Blade for Dibond from 1 to 4 mm
Blade V-Cut from 5 to 30 mm
Blade GlassCut up to 3 mm
Blade PlexCut from 1 to 3 mm
Materials: reboard / spongy media / expanded polyurethane

An optional laser pointer is available to highlight the cutting path.

Price: 0,00Ft
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